2 Jan 2024
The Extinction Paradox research group is seeking two new MA students to work on the political and economic barriers to regenerative forest stewardship in BC
We’re looking for two Master of Arts students to join a multidisciplinary research team led by the Mother Tree Network, supporting First Nations seeking to transition from industrial forestry to regenerative forest stewardship in their territories. As part of this umbrella project, the MA students will work with a smaller team of researchers at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of British Columbia (UBC) who are identifying the political and economic barriers to regenerative forest stewardship in BC and how those barriers might be surmounted. One student will complete their MA thesis in geography at UBC and the other in geography at SFU, on a topic related to these barriers.
The students will receive a minimum of $30,000 per year for two years structured as a combination of research assistantship and fellowship, as well as some paid research and/or conference travel.
Each student must have:
An undergraduate degree in geography or a related social science discipline
Strong analytical, writing, and communication skills
Familiarity with and/or interest in political economy, alternative/heterodox economics, and/or critical social science (especially concerning resource extraction)
Experience with and/or interest in critical policy analysis, economics, and/or accounting
The ability to work collaboratively and independently
It would be great if the students also have:
Familiarity with Indigenous rights in BC and/or internationally
Experience working with/for Indigenous communities
Familiarity with BC forestry
If you’re interested, please apply to the MA program in either (or both) UBC geography (deadline Jan 10) and/or SFU geography (deadline Jan 22). In the application please signal your interest in working with Rosemary Collard (SFU) or Jessica Dempsey (UBC).
Please email either of us (jessica.dempsey@geog.ubc.ca or rcollard@sfu.ca) if you have any questions.